Hello! So if you have read my other posts you can tell I did the Student blogging challenge so this is the last for this year. I participated in 10 weeks for SBC. I think I only wrote 10 because I didnt really know what to talk about. I think I only got two comments […]
SBC Week 9 – Free Choice
Hello! So for week 9, I chose for a free choice. I personally like this because you can talk about anything. Talk about a bread turtle you can do that. Wanna talk about a book or something, you can do that! It always interested me about how people can draw so well, The only answer […]
SBC Week 8 – Travel
Today I’m going to talk about travel. I’ve traveled to a few places, well enough to know the dos and don’ts of traveling. I’ve been to Costa Rica, Japan, Canada, The East Coast, Big Island, and so much more. I always like vacations because I always learn about different places. Normally I always like the […]
SBC Week 7 – Free Write
My favorite form of are is sketching because you can mess up but no one sees that in your line work. It can also look the best when you don’t line it. My least favorite is watercolor because I seem to not be able to make it behave. It always goes all over the place […]
SBC Week 6
3. Write about an instrument: The instrument I will be talking about is a violin. I have played violin before and its cool yet at first uncomfortable. It’s an amazing instrument and I’m glad I took it but it was hard to be good at it. 4. Make Some music: (My Song) I made the […]
SBC Week 5
SBC Week 5 5. Describe your school grounds My school has buildings surrounding a bug field of fake grass. We call it the green space. It’s huge yet we can’t eat on it. There’s an elementary school building, a middle school building, and a preschool building. 6. Tell us about your schools special events Some special […]
Art In The Future 🌟
Hello Everyone!!!! So I want to talk about art again. I really hope that I can do art in the future. I also hope that I would be very good at drawing, My favorite type of art is digital art and sketching. I think I’m not the worst but I’m certainly not the best. I […]
Week 3 – How to Properly Attributed Images
When you post a picture you have to make sure it’s not copyrighted if it is check out https://unsplash.com/ https://openclipart.org/ http://www.pics4learning.com/ When you have a not copyrighted picture I would still recommend saying the website it came from and the person who made the picture. Them you can freely use the picture but still be […]
How To Comment
Commenting can be a hard thing so I’m going to show you how to comment. First, you want to go on the post you want to comment on Next scroll till you see a white square Once you see the white square that says comment You can write your comment once you’re done. Make sure to use […]
My Work Im Proud Of
One of the works I’m proud of is my Social Studies project of Taoism. Taoism is a religion that has a way of nature as one of the most important things in Taoism. You can probably see it now, known as Yin and Yang. Another work I’m proud of is my poster drawing of a quote I stand by. I […]